Bienvenue ! Whether you are teaching online, in class, or hybrid right now, these rockin' French bell work videos are easy to upload to any platform, easy to show, easy-to-use, easy for students to work with, easy for them to show or upload their completed work to you, and super easy for your to assess, evaluate, provide feedback and keep them moving down that road to French proficiency.

Welcome to your DJ DELF Dailies Package!

You can teach directly from this platform by showing the videos or sharing your screen to show the many tools or you can simply DRAG and DROP by downloading any of the videos or tools and resources instantly and dropping them into any school district mandated teaching platform.

Enjoy the introduction videos featuring DJ DELF and the instant, easy access to all the 310 videos, activity and assessment and tools.

Take advantage of the open comment boxes throughout to share ideas, post comments and questions. This is a living resource. DJ DELF and teachers from all over the world will respond to your posts within 24 hours.


Most teachers know how to work with PDFs. Most students already know how to "write on them" digitally. Many teachers have students use a PDF as a base, and require them to show work on a separate word document or the like. You could have students print PDFs from home and then scan or snap pics of completed work (when teaching online). You can Google search many different ways of working with PDFs. New solutions come out almost weekly it seems. But, if you are looking for one website with several PDF options at no charge, we recommend:

Another option? Got this tip from Maddy Shipton. This YouTube link shows you how to make a digital worksheet using Google slides:

What are your thoughts on using Bell Work in French class? Drop your thoughts and share you ideas in the comments section below.

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