- Play the entire RYCMM video found below or upload it to share with your students.
- Encourage your students to try rapping along to the MATH RAP.
- Choose from one more of the four RYCMM Inspection & Reflection tools for your students to use to explore, discover, learn more, complete, and reference when engaging in future pair, small group, or class discussions. You can find these four activity tools by scrolling below.
- Replay the video. Pause at key points and have your students complete the RYCMM activity tool that you chose to share.
- Have students reference their completed tool(s) as they engage in pair, small group. and/or full class discussions about today's RYCMM.
Students can keep their completed RYCMM activity tool to use as a reference throughout the school year.
OPTION: Students can also participate in our math rap contest for math t-shirts prizes and more. Visit the MATH CONTENTS section of this platform for details.
May your math minutes rock!
Straight from the ROCK YOUR CLASS MATH MINUTES book, here is the teacher activity tool for this math concept as seen in the video above.
Want to have your students become mad math rappers? Click the play button below to play just the MATH RAP audio track for this rockin' math concept! These annoying little raps do the trick to help stick math concepts into memory.
Choose, download, share with your students, one or all of the RYCMM Inspection & Reflection activity tools to use along with the RYCMM video.
Tool 1 - Perfect for all grade levels and abilities. Students write the date and RYCMM math concept and use the space provided like a graffiti exercise, writing down their thoughts, reflections, and answers to the RYCMM Inspection & Reflection questions. This tool is great to use as a springboard for math talks.
Tool 2 - Perfect for teachers looking to have student create their own math "dictionary" of terms. Space is provided for students to add the "boring" dictionary definition, the fun RYCMM math rap, and additional space for them to write down their thoughts, reflections, and answers to the RYCMM Inspection & Reflection questions. This is great to use a reference tool and as a springboard for math talks.
Tool 3 - Math Meets Art. Have students show knowledge by using this larger provided space to draw, scribble, and work out whatever they need to connect with today's RYCMM math concept. This tool is great to use as a springboard for math talks or to share in gallery walks.
Tool 4 - Math Rap video storyboard activity tool. After your students have explored the RYCMM, challenge one or a group of students to make a short Math Rap video for that RYCMM. Hang onto these videos that your students make and (with permission) use them in years to come. Younger siblings, especially, will get a kick out of seeing their older siblings blast out these Math Raps. OPTION? With permission, share them on social media using the tag @rockyourclass and #rockyourclass and your school will qualify for our school year end draw for prizes including online math concert/interviews with ÉTIENNE and cool math t-shirts!
The Rock Your Class Math Minutes are the world's only living math resource. Leave comments and questions below and interact with fellow math teacher-rockstars. We will respond to your comments and questions within 24 hours.