The RYCMMs not only help students connect math with the real world, they help students connect with each other.

Assign the RYCMMs for homework and students can make real-world connections at home.

Math is everywhere. Math is life. Math is best learned when shared with others. The RYCMMs connect students to the why of math from not only their own personal perspective but the perspective of the world and people around them. The RYCMMs provide plenty of opportunity for sharing and having some math fun. Below are just two examples.

The students can make their own Math Raps or math rap videos for you to use years down the road. Imagine younger siblings watching and learning from the math rap videos of their older siblings from years past?! How powerful is that peer-to-peer learning connection? Plus, with proper permission, you can share them online with @rockyourclass to enrich the math experience for others worldwide and get a chance at some cool math t-shirts and more.

Who said math can't be fun! Play a game of math rap "Name That Tune!" :)

What are your thoughts so far? Any questions, comments, or input to share? Please use the comments section below and we'll respond to you within 24 hours.

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