What you will need

Let's get ready to explore together. Watch this video to get an idea of what you'll need for a successful journey.

Feel free to refer to this interactive video throughout the course to get a sneak peek at the top six picks for classroom management. Then, choose the chapter modules found in the Rock Your Classroom Management course to fill your teacher toolbox with motivating routines, ideas, lessons, templates, and strategies to immerse your students in learning.

Lesson Summary

Before starting the course on Rock Your Classroom Management, here are some suggestions for getting the most out of it:

  • Find a quiet place with no distractions to do the course.
  • Read, reflect, and get creative.
  • Keep an open mind and be willing to add new tricks to old approaches.
  • Have fun with your choices, as this is a self-directed course.

In this course, you can expect:

  • Engaging videos and interactive content.
  • Access to the instructor for questions and support.
  • Opportunities to connect with other educators in the Rock Your Class Facebook group.
  • Extra resources like choose-your-own-adventure videos and QR codes for instant lessons and templates.
  • Tools and support that can be used throughout your teaching career.

The course is designed to help you rock your classroom management by providing motivating routines, ideas, lessons, templates, and strategies to immerse your students in learning. The instructor, who has years of teaching and performing experience, will share insights and tips from their own journey.

Remember to refer back to the interactive video provided in the course for a sneak peek at the top six picks for classroom management. Then, choose the chapter modules that interest you the most to fill your teacher toolbox.

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