What to expect in this course

Welcome to the Rock Your Classroom Management course. Watch this introduction video from ÉTIENNE.

Feel free to read through or download the Rock Your Classroom Management introduction PDFs.


Are you currently teaching online or hybrid teaching? Did you know that the ROCK YOUR CLASS book came out in April 2020 and still to this day is consistently #1 in the Open and Distance Learning category. Look for this symbol throughout the course for added insights and tips for using the ROCK YOUR CLASS strategies with your students learning online.

Can't wait to get started on this PD journey with you. What are your thoughts on self-directed PD for teachers? Do you like self-directed PD where teachers are able to explore on their own but still end up at the same meeting destination; able to share, discuss, and grow together? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.

Lesson Summary

In this course, called "Rock Your Classroom Management," students will explore tips and pedagogical plans of action that will keep them engaged from the first minute of class to well after the final bell has rung. The course is designed for K-12 teachers in any subject area who are looking to amplify engagement through captivating routines and a wide variety of strategies, tips, and approaches to motivate students to immerse themselves in learning. The course is self-directed, allowing teachers to explore at their own pace while still being able to share, discuss, and grow with others. The course covers topics such as pump up student engagement, change up classroom management approaches, and search for lesson plans to fill the teacher toolbox. Teachers will have access to the "Rock Your Class" book and other resources to enhance their learning experience. Additionally, the course provides insights and tips for using the "Rock Your Class" strategies in online and hybrid teaching environments. Overall, this course aims to provide teachers with the tools and knowledge to create a well-prepared and engaging teaching environment for their students.

Lesson Summary

Welcome to the Rock Your Classroom Management course! In this course, we will tackle classroom management and explore tips and pedagogical plans of action to keep your students engaged from the first minute of class to the final bell. Whether you're a K-12 teacher in any subject area, this course will help you amplify engagement through captivating routines and a wide variety of strategies, tips, and approaches to motivate students to immerse themselves in learning.

Steve Langlois, a K-12 teacher and educational performer, Etienne, will be leading the course. He wrote the book, Rock Your Class, and is excited to share this additional resource with you. The course is self-directed, allowing you to explore the chapters at your own pace and choose what works best for you and your students.

In this course, you can expect:

  • Tips and pedagogical plans of action for classroom management
  • A self-directed learning approach
  • Opportunities for sharing, discussing, and growing together
  • Insights and tips for teaching online or in hybrid settings

Throughout the course, you'll have access to the Rock Your Class book, which offers creatively impactful teacher-rockstar tips from A to Z. The book covers various aspects of classroom management and includes six top picks:

  1. A Lay of the Land
  2. Out the Door
  3. Routines Root Teens
  4. Set the Stage
  5. Violins in the Classroom
  6. Xpert Help is Here

Each chapter in the course will provide tools for inspection, reflection, creation, and innovation.

So get ready to rock your class and explore together! Share your thoughts on self-directed PD in the comment section below.

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