Course recap

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Lesson Summary

Congratulations on completing the "Course Recap" section! In this course, we covered important topics to help you motivate your students for learning in your subject area. Let's recap what we've learned:

- We discussed the why, the rockin' reasons, for motivating students.

- We explored the what, the rockin' requirements, needed for student engagement.

- We delved into the how, including inspection, reflection, creation, and innovation stages.

- We focused on the who, highlighting the importance of teacher support and collaboration.

- We encouraged you to join the Rock Your Class private Facebook group for additional support from fellow teacher rock stars.

Now that you've completed the course, it's time to take that energy and excitement and continue motivating your students. Remember, this course was not about making you a teacher rock star - you already were one! The focus was on becoming the teacher rock stars that our students need.

Don't limit your teaching to just the classroom. Take your students beyond the four walls and create engaging experiences wherever you can.

Always keep your Rock Your Class book handy as a resource for ideas, tips, and strategies. If you need a refresher, feel free to revisit this course or join the Rock Your Class Facebook group.

If you haven't explored them already, I encourage you to check out the Rock Your Classroom Management and Rock Your Teacher Toolbox courses. They offer even more resources, lessons, templates, and strategies to support your teaching.

Lastly, for additional support and learning opportunities, check out the important links section found below.

Thank you for completing this course, and let's continue learning together!


Need more copies of the #1 best-selling book Rock Your Class? CLICK HERE.

Hop on over to the Rock Your Class FB group and share your ideas with thousands of other teacher-rockstars!

Sign up for ÉTIENNE's weekly blog:

Instagram: @rockyourclass

Twitter: @rockyourclass


YouTube: Rock Your Class YouTube Channel

🎬 Documentary: The Accidental Rockstar (IMDb)

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